Helideck Assistant

This course delivers knowledge and skills necessary to perform safe and effective work as a Heli-Deck Assistant on an offshore facility. After completion of the course the learner will be skilled in the duties and responsibilities of an HDA including helideck configuration, limitations and markings, familiarization with common helicopter types, safe and efficient handling of cargo, baggage and passengers, fuel handling and testing as well as emergency procedures. Hazardous Materials Awareness and Helicopter Crash Rescue/Firefighting with SCBA are included in the program

For courses in Robert Training Center - USA:
To attend the Shell Robert training facility, students need to be sponsored by their employer. Upon enrollment, the employer will be required to fill out an external agreement form. Please note that the Shell Robert training facility is currently not open to individuals who are not sponsored by their employer

The aim of this Helicopter Landing Officer/Helideck Assistant course is to ensure that the student will be able to conduct and supervise daily helicopter operations, on offshore installations, in a safe manner, appropriate to conduct gas test safely and efficient manage emergency situations and use the equipment for handling these, and Safely carry out a refueling offshore

After completing the training, the participants will have to complete assessment.

Upon completion of this course the student will have the basic knowledge and skills regarding:
• Define their scope of work
• Define the associated hazards and risks
• Know the controls specific to the task
• Handling of freight (dangerous goods), luggage, manifest and passengers during daily operations
• Radio communication and visual means
• Helideck Layout
• How to use / talk radios
• Re- fueling helicopters offshore
• Emergency preparedness

*The price is excluding applicable VAT.