Championing maritime excellence

The Genesis and Mission of the IMO

Maersk Training and Green Marine Join Forces to Accelerate Green Transition in Maritime Industry

The STCW: A pillar of maritime safety and professionalism

IMO’s pivotal role in the evolution of STCW

Setting International Benchmarks

The IMO continuously refines the STCW standards to ensure they meet the evolving challenges of the maritime industry, enhancing the quality of training and competence of seafarers worldwide.

Global Compliance and Enforcement

Through its member states, the IMO oversees the implementation of STCW standards, enabling consistent and effective training and certification of seafarers globally.

Advancing Maritime Education and Training

The IMO’s focus on STCW helps shape the curriculum and teaching methodologies in maritime training institutions, aligning them with international standards.

Impact on global shipping and maritime training

Challenges and future perspectives

Steering towards safer seas